Learn how you can take advantage of Dominion Energy incentives, IRA rebates, and Virginia Energy programs!

Man resting on a couch at home

The weather is heating up here in Manassas and the DC metropolitan area, and for many homeowners, this means running an air conditioner constantly. When temperatures climb into the 90s and above, living and working in an environment that’s difficult to cool can be uncomfortable to say the least.

Family sick in bed with cold

We often go to great lengths to ensure that the health and safety of our families never ends up in jeopardy. It’s one of the reasons why we make sure that cleaning liquids and other toxic chemicals are stored away neatly and out of reach of children within our homes. There’s more to creating a healthy home than just this, however—what if the home itself is a risk factor?

Family relaxing indoors reading a book

Cape Cod-style homes date back to 17 century New England, where these charming homes were designed to withstand the elements. The homes are compact and have a simple rectangular footprint. A steep roof helped shed snow, relatively low ceilings made it easier to heat, and shutters helped keep wind out during storms.The revival of the Cape Cod homes began in the late 1920s and lasted for several decades. We now have many such homes throughout Northern Virginia and Metro Maryland.

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