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Mid-Winter Signs Your Insulation Needs to Be Replaced

Winter may have set in slowly here in the DC metro area, but now that it’s February, we’re finally seeing frigid temperatures and snow in the forecast. This may have you looking forward to afternoons playing in the snow with your family; but it could also mean that your home is susceptible to the usual winter comfort woes once again.

If this is the time of year that your home really shows signs of discomfort, it’s time to ask yourself, “Does my home need an insulation upgrade?”

Does Your Home Need New Insulation?

Insulation is designed to keep your home comfortable year-round by controlling heat flow in and out. In the summer, it keeps unwanted outside heat from infiltrating your home, and in the winter, it keeps precious indoor heat from escaping.

In most cases, you’ll experience indoor discomfort in both summer and winter if your home is lacking in insulation. You might notice, for example, that the upstairs gets especially hot in the summer and that your hardwood floors become ice-cold in the winter.

Wondering if it’s time to install new insulation in your home? Now that it’s winter, here are a few telltale signs you can watch out for:

  • Constantly running furnace

  • High heating bills

  • Indoor drafts

  • Cold floors

  • Hard-to-heat rooms

  • Ice dams on the roof

  • Moisture in the attic

Why Insulation Needs to Be Replaced

You may be wondering why insulation needs to be replaced or upgraded in the first place. After all, if your home was properly insulated when it was first built, shouldn’t it be properly insulated now?

Unfortunately, insulation tends to settle and compact over time, making it less effective. It may also become damaged due to excess moisture, mold and mildew growth, or pest infestation. So while many types of insulation like fiberglass and cellulose are designed to last for decades, these types of issues may call for an insulation upgrade much sooner.

Optimize Your Home for Winter Comfort

Many houses in Northern Virginia, DC, and Metro Maryland could use an insulation upgrade — especially in key areas like the attic and crawlspace. Is your home one of them? If you’re noticing home comfort and efficiency issues now that winter has officially set in, talk to the experienced team at The Fifth Fuel. We are certified experts in home efficiency and understand how to make homes as comfortable and energy efficient as possible with professional insulation and air sealing upgrades. Have us evaluate your home’s insulation today!

Cold house? Have our team evaluate your insulation. Call 703-368-1479 or contact us to get started!

Battling discomfort inside your home this winter?

It could be time for new insulation.


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